
for pharmaceutical analyses 



AlyTech is not limited to the delivery of analytical equipments, but also develops turnkey applications. This is the case, for instance, of nitrogen trace analysis in pharmaceutical samples. The methods development and periodic validations required in this type of industry are part of AlyTech skills.


Application examples :


GasMix : Calibration of analyzers (GC, elemental analyzers, etc.) of course, but not only! Generating dynamically controlled atmospheres is  one of other GasMix™ skills. Whether the need is the calibration of a gas chromatograph at very low sulfur contents, or the synthesis of synthetic air -with a variable percentage of oxygen for instance- one GasMix™  is able to fulfill both missions.


Zephyr : This simple, transportable and powerful instrument is the perfect companion of automatic dilution. Calibrating a refinery gas analyzer (RGA) at seven points, as now asked by the CEN 12-260 standard, is possible from a single bottle.